Erdogan: No Mideast plans without Palestine consent

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated on Tuesday that international solidarity is “essential for long-term solutions” to crises such as those in Libya, Syria and the rest of the Middle East, and criticized the United Nations for their lack of action on those matters while calling for the restructuring of the Security Council.

Speaking at the 75th session of the UN General Assembly, Erdogan stressed Ankara’s role in aiding Syrian refugees and Libya’s Government of National Accord by saying Turkey has been “the only country” that answered their “calls for help.”

Lastly, Erdogan noted the Palestine question was a “bleeding wound of the humanity” that must not be forgotten after the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain signed a peace treaty with Israel. “Turkey will not support any plan that the Palestinian people do not give consent to. Participation of some countries of the region in this game does not beyond serving Israel’s efforts to erode basic international parameters,” he concluded.

Breaking the News / JR

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