Foster praises Brexit but slams N. Ireland Protocol

Outgoing Northern Irish First Minister Arlene Foster expressed on Thursday before her last meeting with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson her belief in Brexit and her criticism of the Withdrawal Agreement’s protocol that refers to the region, which she described as “damage.”

“Of course I believe in Brexit because I believe that we needed to leave the European Union and all of the stringent rules that were there to allow us to be more flexible, to allow us to have a place in the world,” she said. “But if the United Kingdom is to have a new place in the world, Northern Ireland must be part of that, and at present, because of the protocol, we’re not.”

Foster recently announced she will resign from the position of Northern Ireland’s First Minister amid the still ongoing tensions between the UK and the EU over the region’s status. She previously criticized Brussels for being “only interested in is protecting their bloc” instead of the Good Friday Agreement.

Breaking the News / JR

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